Thursday, May 3, 2012

follow friday: nuclear, spitting, crying, and millionaires

Why, yes. This is a another blog hop! But this time, Hilary, the cutie-pie behind Feeling Beachie and the host of this fun Follow Friday, made me the co-host. Weee! I am quite proud of the fact that I came up with some of the questions... I think. (It was late and I couldn't sleep and I can't find the email I sent her, but if she says so, I'll take it! With GLEE!).

The drill? You link up, you hop, you meet new people or schmooze with the regulars. Of course, you also get to follow me, and I you, if you wish... Pick your poison: 
FacebookTwitterPinterestBloggerRSS feed or email, my other blog

You can play the fill-in game without following or hopping too, no problemo! (Yes, I'm talking to you, Heather, you cheeky girl :P)

I'll let Hilary do the explaining:

Welcome to the 61st weekly Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun Blog Hop!

Each week, I plan on listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me at If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is MEEEEEEEE!!!!
I would LOVE it if you could please help me spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…

This week’s statements:
1.       I can’t stand when people say ____

2.       If you are going to __ please____

3.       Call me a _____ because _____

4.       If I had a dollar for every time I heard ______, I swear I'd be a millionaire by now.
Please add the Follow Friday button to your post, or your blog.
Please follow me. Since Google Friend connect is gone, please follow through networked blogs, Facebook fan page or by email….If there is a co-host, please follow them as well. Leave a comment! I will follow back!
Please link your Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun post to the linky below. PLEASE grab the linky and post on your blog…

 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

My answers: 
1. I can't stand it when people say "nuclear" wrong. What the hell is Noo-keel-er? Or supposably. ARGH that's NOT a word!
2. If you are going to spit in the middle of the street, please make sure that I'm not around. I think it's incredibly disgusting and I will not be shy about letting you know it. And don't even think about gathering your phlegm with that awful guttural noise.
3. Call me a cry baby, because I cry when watching sappy movies. I mean I know they're manipulating my emotions, but I am apparently very easy to manipulate, a willing participant in the subterfuge.
4. If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say "if I had a dollar for every time blah, blah, blah", I swear I'd be a millionaire by now.

Join us, won't you?

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At 5/3/12, 7:03 PM , Anonymous Susi said...

I'm a cry baby too when it comes to sappy movies and stuff. I cry really easy... all the time. :)

At 5/3/12, 7:10 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Sappy movies, commercials, anytime someone sings the star spangled banner. Weddings. Graduations. Yup, I'm a blubbering mess too :)

At 5/3/12, 9:14 PM , Anonymous Pearlsa said...

I am a cry baby too sappy movies and beautiful things make me cry.

At 5/4/12, 4:30 AM , Blogger Cathy Kennedy said...

I use to not be a cry baby over sappy movies, but becoming a mom and growing older I've developed into a major sap. I don't bawl, but my emotions get rattled and my eyes moisten up and sometimes drip to my cheeks. Forget the moive industry, I think our ever so changing and raging hormones play a huge factor in why we are "cry babies" What do you think?

Have an excellent weekend! Linking up from 4F & am your newest follower, Cathy

Warning: Use Google Chrome or Else NO Blogger!

At 5/4/12, 4:39 AM , Blogger Hilary said...

Thanks for co-hosting!!!! I hate when people pronounce words wrong - especially names... It drives me crazy... and the spitting thing is just gross... And if I had a dollar for every time I cried at a sappy movie, I'd be rich!

At 5/4/12, 4:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your answers! Thanks for the smile :)

At 5/4/12, 5:36 AM , Blogger Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

Yep it is so nasty when folks spit in the street. What gets me is when it is tobacco and my kids step in it. Nasty. I cry when watching sappy movies too. Hope you have a great weekend.

At 5/4/12, 6:00 AM , Anonymous Beth Ann Chiles said...

Great questions this week!!! Thanks!!!! And I am totally with you on the spitting thing. GROSS! I am a crybaby too......over everything these days with the stupid hormones of a 50+ year old raging.....ugh.

At 5/4/12, 7:52 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

How about liberry for library or pitcher for a picture on the wall???? Man those piss me off!!!
Great answers... and I'm a sap too! I have even been known to cry during commercials (like the one about the abused animals???)

At 5/4/12, 8:48 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Crying about beautiful things is a-okay in my book :)

At 5/4/12, 8:53 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Welcome, Cathy :)

I definitely started crying more after being a mother. I think it's because I become more empathetic as a human being. Also, the hormone thing was HUGE.

I use Chrome too, for everything not just the blog but it's good to know. Thanks for the tip!

At 5/4/12, 9:04 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hahaha, couple or rich gals like us should go shopping! Hilary, I promise to pronounce your name right, ALWAYS, once I figure out how to say it :)
And thanks for having me as a co-host.

At 5/4/12, 9:06 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the visit, Tilly. I've been enjoying your jokes too :)

At 5/4/12, 9:29 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Welcome, Rochellet :)

Nasty. Yep, very good word to describe it. It's always amazing to me how the people who do the spitting don't worry about stepping in it themselves.

At 5/4/12, 9:33 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank Beth Ann, I loved your answers too :)

At 5/4/12, 9:35 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

The commercials about abused animals break my heart, Brenda. I can't imagine how calloused people must be, how cruel, to hurt defenseless animals. Maybe we should take their pitcher and hang them in the liberry as a cautionary tale :)

At 5/4/12, 11:26 AM , Blogger LA Botchar said...

agh..spitters. don't ever go to prison - they spit everywhere, it so gross and TB is rampant. (to clarify - I was not a guest of the prison, I worked there. whew. scared ya for a minute? LOL)

I'm a big cry baby too. I don't care though - I consider it a good sign of a healthy heart.

At 5/4/12, 11:55 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

You worked in a prison?? Holy Moly! You have GOT to blog about that!

At 5/4/12, 6:31 PM , Blogger Victorias_View said...

LOL! I will never call you a cry baby! I will tell you a secret I try not to watch movies that will make me cry for that very reason! I am a horrible! Horrible sap!

At 5/4/12, 8:51 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Pull up a chair and join the club then, Darice. No worries, I buy my Kleenex at Costco :)

At 5/5/12, 6:57 AM , Blogger Everly said...

i purposely do not watch movies that i know will make me cry.

At 5/5/12, 8:01 AM , Blogger Arlene said...

I hate when people get the words "accept" and "except" mixed up. I can't read things with those kinds of mistakes, it just drives me crazy!

Loved your answers! Have a great weekend.

At 5/5/12, 7:29 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Good call, Jennifer :)

At 5/5/12, 7:33 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I know the feeling, Arlene. I too get distracted with these errors (plus the their/there/they're, it's/its, gah!). I try not to let it bother me if the content is good, but somehow, my eye just keeps going there, and I eventually give up.

Thanks for the hop :)

At 5/6/12, 7:29 AM , Blogger Denise Moncrief said...

Hi Megan. Loved your answer to #4. Made me smile. I cry at sappy movies, too! Just pass the tissue!

At 5/6/12, 7:21 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Denise :) Aren't blog hops the best? One gets to see just how similar we all are. I read the funniest things this time around (some of them yours).


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